Bullfrog Tadpoles | Bulk Quantity
ILLEGAL TO SHIP TO: AZ, AK, ID, PA, UT, WA, MT Tadpoles feed on algae and mosquito larvae in the pond. They will eat insect eggs also. When they turn into small frogs, they begin to eat insects around the pond. Once the frog begins to develop legs, they need some sort of perch so they can get out of the water. Floating water lily leaves and floating plants are ideal for this. You don’t have to feed them as they are self sufficient. They will eat leftover fish food, algae and tiny bugs on the water's surface. Normally frogs will be stay around your pond but if there is a water source nearby, don’t be surprised if they decide to venture to it. But usually will return. This often happens when it rains.
Not Available to ship to: AK, AZ, ID, PA, UT, WA, MT
Our minimum order for bulk quantity is 75 as they require Overnight shipping to ensure live arrival. Ship from the fishery via FEDEX Overnight or UPS Overnight.
Upon arrival take directly to the pond. Pour some pond water into the bag (preferably in the shade). Wait 2 to 3 minutes to acclimate to the pond water, then set them free in the pond.
Do not float the bag on the pond, even on shady days the temperature will rise and cook the tadpoles if the bag is left floating.