Microbe-Lift Liquid Biological Mosquito Control - MICROBE-LIFT/BMC
MICROBE-LIFT/BMC kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding, biting adults, including those which may transmit West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis, and those which may transmit Heartworm Disease to dogs and cats.
MICROBE-LIFT/BMC is a liquid product, so it has no adverse effect on the aesthetics of ponds and water features
MICROBE-LIFT/BMC can be applied to areas that can contain aquatic life, fish and plants.
MICROBE-LIFT/BMC can be applied to areas used by or in contact with humans, animals, horses, livestock, pets, birds or wildlife.
One Teaspoon Treats 540 Sq. Ft. of Water in “Total Water Column”
- Up to 14 days activity depending on application site
- Disperses easily in water
- No fish toxicity
- No toxicity to non-target invertebrates
- Significantly lower potential for development of resistance in target insect populations than chemical larvicides such as methoprene
- No adverse aesthetics to the pond
- No organic or inorganic residues