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Fall and Winter Marginal and Bog Plants Care

Bog Plants Fall and Winter Pond Plant Care Perennial Pond Plants Pond Plants Online

 Now that fall has arrived it is time to prepare your marginal and bog plants for the winter months. Once your plants begin to brown, usually after the first hard frost, prune back excess foliage and discard any decaying material, so it does not compromise the water quality over the winter months. Hardy Pickerel and Thalia Dealbata should be placed at a sufficient depth to avoid freezing the crown of the plant. Most of the perennial hardy marginal plants can be left where they have been growing for the season and will return the following spring.

 Tropical plants can be brought in for the winter and kept alive by placing them in a tray of water with a full spectrum grow light. The plants do not need to be submerged in water, just make sure the soil is kept constantly moist.

 Taros and Cannas can also be wintered over by storing the tubers in peat in a cool dark place that does not freeze. Once the plants have died back after a frost or freeze, cut off the dead foliage and remove all soil from the tubers. Allow to dry a day, then store them in slightly moist peat until time to replant in the spring. Check them periodically over the winter months to make sure they are not drying out or getting moldy.


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